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Your Home, Your Say was your chance to give us feedback on our 10-Year Plan, which sets out our vision, projects and budgets for the next 10 years. Feedback on our 10-Year plan has now closed.
Feedback was open 3 March - 5pm 6 April 2021. Everyone who provided feedback went in the draw to win a share of $2,000 of grocery vouchers (T&Cs apply).
From August - October 2020 we had conversations with the community on 10 big topics, including water infrastructure, climate action, a multi-sport hub, tracks and trails and more. We had over 9,400 pieces of feedback, and that has helped shape our draft plan.
Our draft plan is now ready for more feedback, so please read the consultation document, and provide feedback by completing the submission form. Please note that the feedback period ended at 5pm Tuesday 6 April 2021.
Feedback on our draft 10-Year Plan has now closed.
The next step is for public hearings and Council deliberations to take place during May.
If you indicated in your submission that you would like to speak at a hearing you will receive information about the process shortly.
Click the button below to view the submissions we received and read the topline results.
There are three “big calls” we have to make that either drive much of the cost increase or are of high community interest.
Under each big call there are key issues that we would like your feedback on.
Water is a precious taonga.
We need to take care of the 1,700km of pipes that make up our drinking water, wastewater and stormwater networks. Currently our pipes are tired and rundown and If we don't invest in them we will see more frequent water outages and sewage overflows.
We're proposing investing an additional $140 million in our water network over the next 10 years.
We are a very thirsty area, using upto 60% more water than similar areas. Using lots of water can have a huge impact on our environment, as every litre that we use is one that we're taking from our rivers, steams and wider environment. Using lots of water also costs us lots of money, as we need to invest in more water infrastructure and find new water sources.
One way to help us save water is to introduce water meters. This means people will pay for how much water they use (like we do with power or gas) which can help us be more conscious of our habits.
Parts of Waitara were built on low ground near the river and water builds up in heavy rain. Some Waitara residents are calling for repairs to the town’s stormwater system to help avoid regular flooding which affects their properties.
Read about fixing the plumbing in our consultation document.
We have an amazing tracks and trails network, and in our early conversations we had great support for extending it.
We have two major projects that we have proposed in the draft plan, extending the Coastal Walkway from Bell Block to Waitara, and continuing to build on the Taranaki Traverse, connecting Maunga to Moana.
We've identified two projects to help boost our climate response and reduce emissions.
1. Planting our place, with 17 hectares of urban forest on Council owned reserves
2. Electrify our fleet, switch to electric vehicles as NPDC vehicles are renewed
Sport Taranaki has led a collaborative project to develop a master plan for a multi-sport hub as it has identified that many organisations are competing for space in old facilities, that are not fit for purpose.
The multi-sport hub would be used beyond just playing netball or hockey, with a vision to support lifestyle events and festivals as well.
This would likely include a purpose-built indoor stadium, a hockey turf, grass fields and road upgrades.
Using a phased approach, we’re suggesting setting aside $40million for this project with additional funding coming from fundraising and other agencies. We also need to consider ongoing operational costs, and propose $11million for that.
This draft 10 year plan outlines how our $3 billion work programme will work towards our vision for the New Plymouth District as a Sustainable Lifestyle Capital. If this proposed plan gets the green light we are looking at a rate increase of 12 per cent in the first year and 6.1 per cent average rate rise over the following nine years. That equates to about $231 per year for the average urban household in the first year.
Another feature of this proposed plan is more debt funding, to the tune of $31 million so we share the burden among the different generations of ratepayers.
One way to minimise the cost to ratepayers is to look at how much we charge the public to use our facilities and services, so we’re proposing to increase our pool fees and burial costs.
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Page last updated: 05:26pm Tue 26 October 2021