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State of local emergency (1)

For up to date information and advice, visit Taranaki Emergency Management

For urgent flooding issues (buildings and infrastructure) phone 06 759 6060 or report a problem online.

For information on disruptions to our sites and facilities please, visit Public Notices.

Tō kāinga tō kōrero

Your home, your say

Your Home, Your Say was your chance to give us feedback on our 10-Year Plan, which sets out our vision, projects and budgets for the next 10 years. Feedback on our 10-Year plan has now closed.

your home, your say

Feedback was open 3 March - 5pm 6 April 2021. Everyone who provided feedback went in the draw to win a share of $2,000 of grocery vouchers (T&Cs apply).

From August - October 2020 we had conversations with the community on 10 big topics, including water infrastructure, climate action, a multi-sport hub, tracks and trails and more. We had over 9,400 pieces of feedback, and that has helped shape our draft plan.

Our draft plan is now ready for more feedback, so please read the consultation document, and provide feedback by completing the submission form. Please note that the feedback period ended at 5pm Tuesday 6 April 2021.

Feedback on our draft 10-Year Plan has now closed.

The next step is for public hearings and Council deliberations to take place during May.

If you indicated in your submission that you would like to speak at a hearing you will receive information about the process shortly.

Click the button below to view the submissions we received and read the topline results.

The big calls

There are three “big calls” we have to make that either drive much of the cost increase or are of high community interest.

Under each big call there are key issues that we would like your feedback on.

fixing our plumbing
greening our place
paying it forward