State of local emergency (1)
For up to date information and advice, visit Taranaki Emergency Management
For urgent flooding issues (buildings and infrastructure) phone 06 759 6060 or report a problem online.
For information on disruptions to our sites and facilities please, visit Public Notices.
Our 2018-2028 asset management plans provide an overview of our significant activities, building on the information in our 2018-2028 Long-Term Plan.
The Asset Management Strategy is a high-level overview of our asset management system, policy, plans, life-cycle management, data, improvement programme and risk management processes. It summarises our strategic approach to our significant activity areas and describes the general principles that we apply to all types of assets.
The General Volume/He Pukapuka Matua outlines how our parks assets contribute to the community outcomes and priorities identified in our 2018-2028 Long-Term Plan. It also summarises the activities planned and described in the individual asset category volumes.
The assets are grouped into six individual asset management plan volumes providing for easy reading. The volumes include the description, condition, age and value of the assets, and the expenditure forecasts for their ongoing operation, maintenance and development.
The General Volume/He Pukapuka Matua outlines how our property assets contribute to the community outcomes and priorities identified in our 2018-2028 Long-Term Plan and support the delivery of services across all significant activities. It also summarises the activities planned and described in the individual asset category volumes.
The assets are grouped into eight individual asset management plan volumes for easy reading. The volumes include the description, condition, age and value of the assets, and the expenditure forecasts for their ongoing operation, maintenance and development.
The General Volume/He Pukapuka Matua outlines how our stormwater and flood protection assets will contribute to the community outcomes and priorities identified in the 2018-2028 Long-Term Plan. It also summarises the activities planned and described in the individual asset category volumes.
The assets are grouped into four individual asset management plan volumes for easy reading..The volumes include the description, condition, age and value of the assets, and the expenditure forecasts for their ongoing operation, maintenance and development.
The asset management plan outlines how our waste management and minimisation assets contribute to the community outcomes and priorities identified in our 2018-2028 Long-Term Plan. . The plan includes the a description, condition, age and value of the assets, and the expenditure forecasts for their ongoing operation, maintenance and development.
The Strategic Case (General Volume)/Kaupapa Rautaki (He Pukapuka Matua) outlines how our transportation assets contribute to the community outcomes and priorities identified in our 2018-2028 Long-Term Plan. It also summarises the activities planned and described in the individual asset category volumes.
The assets are grouped into six individual asset management plan volumes for easy reading. The volumes include the description, condition, age and value of the assets, and the expenditure forecasts for their ongoing operation, maintenance and development.
The plans also include details of the subsidies that will be received from NZTA as part of the 2018-2021 National Land Transport Plan. State highways are not included in the asset management plan.
The General Volume/He Pukapuka Matua outlines how our water supply assets will contribute to the community outcomes and priorities identified in the 2018-2028 Long-Term Plan. It also summarises the activities planned and described in the individual asset category volumes.
The assets are grouped into five individual asset management plan volumes for easy reading. The volumes include the description, condition, age and value of the assets, and the expenditure forecasts for their ongoing operation, maintenance and development.
The General Volume/He Pukapuka Matua outlines how our wastewater assets will contribute to the community outcomes and priorities identified in the 2018-2028 Long-Term Plan. It also summarises the activities planned and described in the individual asset category volumes.
The assets are grouped into three individual asset management plan volumes for easy reading. The volumes include the description, condition, age and value of the assets, and the expenditure forecasts for their ongoing operation, maintenance and development
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Page last updated: 03:22pm Tue 26 October 2021